Building a Compiler with Rust and LLVM
Ever wondered what it takes to build your own programming language? In this post, I’ll take you through my journey of creating Cyclang, a toy programming language that compiles to LLVM IR using Rust. While the language itself is straightforward, the real adventure lay in learning both Rust and LLVM simultaneously - an ambitious undertaking that proved both challenging and rewarding.
What is Cyclang?
The language features are intentionally minimal, you can find the full specification in the book, the focus of this project was on the journey of building a compiler from scratch in Rust using LLVM.
Cyclang is a simple, statically-typed programming language that supports basic constructs like functions, control flow, and arithmetic operations.
Here’s a taste of what Cyclang code looks like:
fn fib(i32 n) -> i32 {
if (n < 2) {
return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
Why Rust?
There are a lot of reasons to use Rust - this article from Github explains it well “Why Rust is the most admired language among developers”.
One of the main benefits for building a compiler is pattern matching. Rust’s exhaustive pattern matching ensures that all possible cases are handled at compile time, preventing runtime errors. Here’s a simple example:
enum Token {
fn evaluate_token(token: Token) -> String {
match token {
Token::Number(n) => format!("Found number: {}", n),
Token::Plus | Token::Minus => "Found operator",
Token::LeftParen => "Found opening parenthesis",
Token::RightParen => "Found closing parenthesis",
// The compiler ensures all cases are handled
Rust’s type system and ownership model make it ideal for building robust parsers and compilers. The combination of zero-cost abstractions, memory safety guarantees, and rich algebraic data types allows you to express complex language constructs clearly and efficiently.
For example, you can easily extend the token parser into a full expression evaluator:
enum Expr {
Binary(Box<Expr>, Token, Box<Expr>),
fn evaluate(expr: &Expr) -> Result<i64, String> {
match expr {
Expr::Literal(n) => Ok(*n),
Expr::Binary(left, Token::Plus, right) =>
Ok(evaluate(left)? + evaluate(right)?),
Expr::Group(expr) => evaluate(expr),
_ => Err("Invalid expression".into())
Architecture: From Source to Machine Code
Let’s dive into how Cyclang turns code into executable instructions:
1. Parsing with Pest
The first step in any compiler is parsing source code into a structured format. For Cyclang, I chose the pest parser, a modern parsing framework for Rust. While I had previously worked with LALRPOP, Pest offered a more intuitive approach to grammar definition.
The parsing process involves two main components:
- A grammar file (cyclo.pest) that defines the language syntax
- A parser implementation that transforms the syntax into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
One interesting learning: as the language grew more complex, maintaining the grammar file became increasingly challenging. In retrospect, hand-writing a parser might have offered more flexibility, though Pest’s declarative approach was perfect for rapid prototyping.
2. LLVM Integration
The most fascinating (and challenging) aspect of building Cyclang was its integration with LLVM. I chose to use llvm-sys, which provides raw Rust bindings to LLVM’s C API.
LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) is a compiler infrastructure that offers:
- A powerful intermediate representation (IR) that abstracts away machine-specific details
- Sophisticated optimization passes
- Multiple target architecture support
- Just-In-Time compilation capabilities
Working directly with LLVM’s C API through llvm-sys had its pros & cons:
- Gained a deep understanding of LLVM’s architecture
- Fine-grained control over IR generation
- Direct access to LLVM’s full feature set
- Steep learning curve
- Verbose code for even simple operations
- Manual memory management considerations
To manage complexity, I organized the LLVM interaction code into a dedicated codegen module.
Implementation Highlights
Control Flow Translation
One fascinating aspect of the implementation is how high-level control structures are translated to LLVM IR. For example, Cyclang’s for loops are actually desugared into while loops at the IR level:
// Cyclang for loop
for (i32 i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
// Gets translated to equivalent of:
i32 i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
i = i + 1;
You can see the full implementation in the file.
Working with Complex Types
One of the most challenging aspects was implementing complex types like strings. LLVM operates at a very low level, where even basic string operations require careful memory management and pointer manipulation. See the required LLVM IR here!
Rather than generating all the LLVM IR manually, I found a hybrid approach more practical: generating LLVM bitcode from C files for complex operations, then loading and linking this with the rest of the IR. This approach significantly simplified the implementation of the standard library.
Parser Implementation
While Pest proved to be a capable parsing library, I plan to implement a handwritten parser in my next project. This will deepen my understanding of parsing techniques, particularly precedence parsing with recursive descent, and give me more fine-grained control over the parsing process.
Test Automation
Although Cyclang maintained comprehensive test coverage, I recognize now that file-based test generation would have been more efficient than manually writing individual test cases in Rust. This approach would have made the test suite more maintainable and easier to expand.
LLVM Integration
The direct integration with LLVM’s API led to increased complexity in the codegen module. For future projects, I plan to either abstract this into a separate library or leverage existing solutions like Inkwell to improve code organization and maintainability.
Cyclang started as a toy project to learn Rust and LLVM, evolving into a journey through the fascinating world of compiler design. While small in scope, building it from scratch taught me invaluable lessons about language design, low-level programming, and the elegant complexity of modern compilers. I hope sharing this experience offers useful insights for anyone interested in similar explorations.